FOCUS ON WEST HAMPSHIRE CARAVAN AND MOTORHOME CLUB CENTRE January 2018 The Committee met on 15th All present except MG, who sent apologies. Nick updated the Committee that the packs for the ROOF meeting on 21st January were now all…
Focus Nov-Dec 2017
FOCUS ON WEST HAMPSHIRE CARAVAN AND MOTORHOME CLUB CENTRE – November 2017 BIG NEWS! Since our AGM, our Centre has been without an official Secretary, with our Chairman nominally assuming the role, whilst we requested members to consider being co-opted…
FOCUS – September 2017
FOCUS ON WEST HAMPSHIRE CARAVAN AND MOTORHOME CLUB CENTRE September 2017 A member raised the issue that our new fire extinguishers do not comply with HSE regulations. Graham contacted CAMC Head Office over the issue and was told that…
Focus – May 2017
FOCUS ON WEST HAMPSHIRE CARAVAN AND MOTORHOME CLUB CENTRE – May 2017 A letter has been received (and published on WH website) from Roger & Carole Trimby, thanking the Centre for the friendship and camaraderie they had experienced in…