January 2018
- The Committee met on 15th All present except MG, who sent apologies.
- Nick updated the Committee that the packs for the ROOF meeting on 21st January were now all prepared.
- Nick asked the Committee to consider what we should do about the general trend towards landowners offering fewer free rally officer pitches. More rallies now offer only one free pitch, which was leading to a variety of arrangements as to how the cost of the extra pitch(es) should be covered. A lengthy discussion took place, but it was agreed that more time was required to enable Committee members to reflect on this. This will be further discussed at the next meeting.
- Graham updated Committee about the response from the SW Regional meeting about the length of time documents should be retained by the Centre. The advice given was that financial information should be kept for seven years and that AGM minutes should be kept indefinitely. However, the original question that the Committee was seeking clarification over was not answered, which was to do with what, if any, personal information needed to be kept when ralliers booked onto rallies, considering the changes to data protection laws coming into force in May 2018. It was agreed that if possible, Pete would attend the next SW Regional meeting in March to raise our questions, as Natalie from Head Office was likely to be in attendance and able to answer these queries.
- Paul suggested that the current level of rallies needed to achieve the Fellowship Award plaque was still set at 16 rallies, which was much lower than it was in the past. It had been agreed to reduce it temporarily several years ago when a lot of rallies had been cancelled in one particular year, but the level had not been raised again afterwards. This meant that the original intention that the Fellowship plaque was a reward to members who attended a higher proportion of rallies than most others had been lost. After discussion, which included the fact that the total number of rallies in the programme was slightly lower in recent years, it was agreed by Committee that the number of rallies needed to achieve the Fellowship plaque should be raised to 20 rallies this year.
- I look forward to seeing you on the rally field soon.
Best wishes,
Sue Davis
West Hampshire Committee