- A letter has been received (and published on WH website) from Roger & Carole Trimby, thanking the Centre for the friendship and camaraderie they had experienced in all their years of rallying. They have now retired from caravanning and wish us all well for the future.
- There was a request that Jennie, our Treasurer, clarify the rally accounts form for Rally Officers, particularly regarding raffle prizes and VAT. Jennie stated that she was more than happy to go through the form with individual Rally Officers that needed support but that raffle prizes are a non-VAT item.
- Our Rally Secretary, Nick, will shortly be contacting existing Rally Officers to find out whether or not they wish to continue running the same rally venues for 2018. Once this has been established, we will have a clearer idea of which rallies on next year’s programme we will need to advertise as requiring Rally Officers.
- With regret, it was decided that the Sopley rally this June will have to be cancelled due to lack of attendees. The rally has already been re-booked for next year. Hopefully, if Rally Officers and prices can be published in the next Rally book, this rally should be able to run once more.
- As there have been no replacement Rally Officers volunteering to run the Tangley Christmas rally, this will also now be cancelled. The website will be amended to ask people who have paid a deposit to contact Jennie regarding a refund.
- Our Webmaster, Pete, has been approached by another Centre and also the South-West Region for advice on setting up websites as others have been so impressed with the work he has done on implementing our site. Well done, Pete!
- Steve, our Youth Section Liaison, reported back on the YS discussions about the use of their disco services on rallies. Megan Roberts will be taking on responsibility for taking bookings from Rally Officers. A charge of £10 will be made but will only be available on rallies where YS members are actually booked to come on the rally.
- Our Newsletter Editor, Mike Gregory, is still in need of articles to put in the next edition. If you have any rally reviews or other information that may be of interest to other members, please forward it to Mike () as soon as possible.
- The new CAMC logo will soon be appearing on rally plaques to replace the old CC logo
- Preparations for the 3500th Rally are continuing apace. Look out for the updated flyers on the WH website for additions / amendments to the proposed programme. Final payments from ralliers are due on 1st June. These can be made via the website if you wish.
- I look forward to seeing you on the rally field soon.
Best wishes,
Sue Davis
West Hampshire Committee