The Caravan and Motorhome Club West Hampshire Centre
(last updated 09-11-2023)
Privacy Notice:
The personal data you provide is collected and processed for the purpose of booking and running a Centre Rally/event. We assume any personal data you provide relating to other individuals is done so with their consent. We will use the information that you have provided for the Rally Attendance sheet, and this is for all those attending the rally. When booking a rally, you will be given the option if you wish, to consent/withdraw consent from your data being shared with other attendees on the rally.
The Centre Rally Officer/Marshall will keep a copy of your data for a maximum of 12 months for the purposes of safety and insurance, and will not disclose your information to any other source.
Rally Booking Terms & Conditions / Refund Policy:
- The Centre Committee will consider a full refund if you cancel a rally due to ill-health or bereavement but this is at Centre Committee discretion.
- Cancellations up to 28 days prior to the rally will be reimbursed at 50% and less any costs incurred.
- Cancellations up to 7 days prior to the rally will be at Centre Committee discretion and less any costs incurred.
- Cancellations less than 7 days before the rally will not be refunded (with the exception or 2 above)
- If the Centre cancels a rally, all deposits are refundable unless landowner already paid. Any deposit may not be refunded if the rally space cannot be reallocated to another person OR if the landowner has already been paid.
- Our preferred method of payment is bank transfer (BACS) 1 week before the rally to allow us to process the payments and update details for the rally officers on who has paid in advance. CASH on arrival at the rally is also acceptable.
- If a deposit in advance is required, this will be made clear at the time of booking.
- Any cheques should be made payable to “Caravan Club West Hampshire Centre” and not to any named individual. Please add your name, rally number & CAMC membership number on reverse.
- CAMC Rules 9.1 – The Centre Committee is empowered to take disciplinary action against any member who in the opinion of the Committee is guilty, either directly or by persons for whom he/she is answerable, of any conduct at any of the Centre’s functions prejudicial top the good repute of the Club, the Centre or the comfort or convenience of other members attending one of that Centre’s activities.
- CAMC Rules 9.2 – Disciplinary action may take the form of suspension form Centre’s activities. CAMC HQ Director General shall be informed of any suspensions imposed under this Rule.
The speed of all vehicles, including cyclists, MUST NOT EXCEED WALKING PACE.
Members and visitors should not drive between outfits unless specifically directed to do so by the Rally Officer.
Parents or guardians are responsible for supervising any children (those under 18) staying with them on site
Ball games, flying kites, model aircraft & frisbee etc should not be allowed near the pitches or where they could inconvenience local residents.
Drones are banned from the rally field – any unauthorised use of drones by members on the rally field or Club sites will face disciplinary action
Photography/videography may be taken at our Centre events and rallies. The Centre and Club may use any photograph(s) and/or video(s) they take that include you, your party and/or outfit in all and any media, including printed and electronic publications, eg websites, or promotional materials, in the advertising of its goods or services. The photograph(s) and/or video(s) may be stored for these purposes as well. If you do not want to appear in any shots, please advise the organiser if it relates to a specific event, or the Centre Secretary if for all events. They will do their best to accommodate this and ensure you are able to avoid the area being photographed/filmed.
Excessive noise should not be allowed to spoil the ambience at rallies. Musical instruments, radios, TVs etc must be used at considerate noise levels. Members are asked to be considerate to others after 23:00 by keeping noise to a minimum. Generators should not be used after 18:00 and before 09:00 in line with Club site rules – and for no more than 2 hours at a time.
Dogs & other Animals.
Owners must follow the published rules under “Club Site Rules” and “You and Your Pet” in the Sites Directory and handbook. The key elements are:
- Pets must be kept under control and on a lead no more than 2 metres long, and if tethered it must be within the boundaries of the rally pitch.
- Animals must be exercised away from vans and any fouling cleaned up promptly.
- If an animal is left in an outfit, it must have adequate ventilation and water – because of the speed by which the temperature can rise in an outfit.
- Pets will NOT be permitted at any enclosed social event or kitchen facility.
First Aid.
There is no requirement for Centres to have a first aid qualified person on the rally; so it is advisable for ralliers to have their own in-date first aid kit.
Fire Safety.
Open fires are not allowed. Naked flames (including mosquito/citronella candles) are not permitted in gazebos/pods etc. Gas or coal Barbeques should be used with care and it is suggested a fire bucket is kept close at hand.
Fire Buckets should be filled and placed in front or each outfit for emergency use. These are not meant put out fires; just to aid getting to safety or to reduce personal burns.
In the event of a fire, evacuate the area, call the fire brigade and blow a whistle in long blasts as well aas sounding your horn repeatedly if possible. We have been advised by Emergency Staff that this is the preferred method.
It is strongly advised that gas patio heaters are not used in awnings/gazebos/pods etc. Alternatives such as electric fan heater can only be used with an RCD and only one heater/3kw power draw from one extension lead and socket. Please note that some commercial sites do not allow such heaters.
Members are expected to take home ALL rubbish and it is not usual for the Centre to provide bags for this purpose. Refuse must not be emptied into a grey or black waste disposal point.
Fresh Water / Waste Water / Disposal Points
- Fresh water source will be clearly marked
- Do not wash out chemical toilets or waste tanks at the fresh water point.
- Waste water (grey waste) must be collected in a receptacle and must not be allowed to drain directly onto the rally field. Any receptacle must not be allowed to overflow and foul the ground.
- Waste must be disposed of at the designated disposal points, agreed with the landowner, which will be clearly marked. If you have the slightest doubt please ask the Rally Officer.
- The use of waste water filters is not permitted.
Severe Ground Conditions / “Yellow Flag”.
- Rally Officers are empowered to restrict vehicular movement on the rally field during bad weather – this is for your safety AND to protect the Landowner’s site.
- If the yellow flag is flying, then NO vehicle movement will be allowed without the express permission of the Rally Officer, and will be at the Rally Officer discretion.
- It may be necessary for vehicles to be parked away from pitches – and your support would be appreciated if this is deemed appropriate.
Towing Assistance
Care should be exercised when offering assistance to other ralliers to tow on/off waterlogged pitches to ensure everyone’s safety. Please note that the Club’s Public Liability insurance does not provide cover for this type of activity. Cover would need to be provided under the members’ personal insurance. In addition, the member providing assistance needs to ensure they are not in breach of their policy if any payment is made by “plying for hire” if an accident should occur.
All rallies must be booked in advance via online booking.
- If you are unable to attend a rally at the last minute, please do everything possible to let the Rally Officers know – as a common courtesy – and prevent them waiting up unnecessarily.
- Where expense has been incurred on your behalf for social events/catering etc which cannot be recovered or re-allocated, you will be responsible for reimbursing the Centre.
- See also Refund Policy.
Saving of Pitches.
This may not be possible on some sites (as they are allocated by booking date) but otherwise is limited to a maximum of two.
Pitch Spacing.
To comply with the terms of the Exemption Certificate granted to CAMC, a minimum spacing of 6 metres is required (between facing walls of adjacent motorhomes & caravans). There must also be 3 clear meters between outfits (which means & includes the unit, the awning, pup tent and a car).
Pup tents are allowed but must be pitched within the outfit pitch area.
Arrival on site
- Please follow directions in the rally book or website – as Sat Nav may not be appropriate for outfit sizes.
- As you approach the site, you should see small RED direction signs with WHCC (or CCWH) lettering in white to help find the entrance.
- Please stop where indicated and wait to be directed onto a pitch by the Rally Officer.
- You may be asked to provide CAMC membership card as proof of membership – as Rally bookings can only be made by Club Members.
- All visitors must report to the Rally Office/Rally Officer and register on arrival. Visitors are politely requested to park as directed by the Rally Officers.
- Guests are the responsibility of the member who invited them e.g. for any breach of the Club’s codes of behaviour and conduct.
- If staying overnight, they must stay in host members outfit. The only allowance for tents is for rallies over five days (allowing relatives & friends to accompany them on longer rallies).
- If you have a legitimate complaint, which you have been unable to resolve mutually, you should report it to the Rally Officers or a member of the Centre’s Committee AT THE TIME so that action may be taken then if felt necessary OR reviewed at the next Centre Committee meeting.
- All Centre Officers and Committee display green plaques in the front window of their caravan/motorhome, and invite you to discuss any Rallying issues with them.
- The Committee cannot resolve trivial complaints such as personal disagreements, differences of opinion following arguments etc. However, if such irritations adversely impact upon the comfort & convenience of other members, the Centre Committee will consider taking action against the individual(s) concerned in order that they can resolves their issue without involving other Club members.
- The Centre Committee do not have to respond to anonymous complaints and persistent or vexatious complaints.
No trading allowed on the rally field by ralliers.
The Centre Committee reserve the right to alter or amend any items in the printed rally book/website without prior notice.