
West Hampshire Centre was formed in 1965 when the Southern Counties Centre split up, although the first A.G.M was held in the autumn of 1964. Apparently there was funding of £250 available.

The first rally was held at Stoney Cross in the summer of 1965 with about 30 vans attending. The rally officers were expected to dig their own Elsan pit with pick and shovels, and then fill it in afterwards! The early rally plaques were triangular with small holes in each corner. (Were these so that the plaques could be nailed to the caravan?)

By 1976 the membership stood at 1224 and Bashley Lodge was the venue for the 100th rally in April 1969. [Is this Bashley Park now?]

WHCC continued from strength to strength and in June 1983 held its 1000th rally at Broadlands. The fee for the rally was £5 and the social cost £1.15. Buses were laid on to take members to the Guildhall in Southampton for dancing. Entertainment on the field included campanologists [bell ringers to you and me] and majorettes. On Sunday there was a church service led by the Rev. Steph Roberts, which included a break for sherry and cake.

For those of us who where there how could we ever forget the 2000th rally? This was also held at Broadlands at Easter 1994. The weather was not kind to us, with high winds and rain. Mud glorious mud sums it up. The rain was so bad that on the Sunday evening the band playing in the marquee had to stop because their equipment became wet. This meant it was dangerous to use. I have never been to a disco and danced in Wellington boots before! The 4 x 4’s were busy at the close of the rally, everyone had to be towed out.

Other notable events include:-
  • The first Burns night celebration held in 1977 and still going strong today.
  • The Carol Service, that started the following year in 1978.
  • Our 35th anniversary year was celebrated with a summer ball on June 24th 2000. This was held in a marquee at Winchester Rugby Club on a warm sunny evening with everyone dressed up to the nines.
  • Then there is the Wessex, held since 1969. WHCC first won this in 1998 and then again in 2000, 2002, 2004 and more recently – winning all 4 cups in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018.
  • We held our 50th Anniversary at Bamptons farm in 2015. 
  • In 2017, we had our 3500th Rally at Gundry’s Farm. A fantastic time was had by all with cake making and dancing to the tribute band ABBA’s Angels.
Carol Palmer (Centre Historian)

All of this information and much more can be found in our Centre History Book.

Past West Hampshire Centre Chairmen

Wing Commander C.J. Myers 1965B.S Rose 1966-1968
J. N. Dayer 1969-1971B. Lloyd-Lawrence 1972-1974
R. F. Smart 1975-1977J. H. Cozens 1978-1980
Alex D. Murison 1981-1983Alan L. Leavey 1984-1986
Peter J. Blaxal 1987-1989Fred C. Barrow 1990-1992
Mr Roger Bishop 1993-1995Mrs Val Small 1996-1998
Mrs Sue Southwell 1999-2001Mr Malcolm Wright 2002-2004
Mr Alan Port 2005-2007Mr Mike Firmager 2008-2010
Mr Gary Walton 2011-2013Mrs Anne Millar 2014-2016
Mr Paul Hopkins 2017-2019Mr Graham Kirby 2020-2022


CAMC - West Hampshire Centre