Focus Nov-Dec 2017


BIG NEWS! Since our AGM, our Centre has been without an official Secretary, with our Chairman nominally assuming the role, whilst we requested members to consider being co-opted to take on the position.  The CAMC has advised that this should not continue for an extended period, as one person should not be taking on two officer roles.  As no one else has stepped forward, Helen Hopkins has volunteered to take on the Centre Secretary role for this year, for which we are extremely grateful.  Committee have agreed to look at the Secretary responsibilities to see with which areas we can offer to support Helen as she undertakes this new role.

Following the decision taken by the Committee that dogs should not be allowed in social facilities or food preparation areas on rallies, we have revised this ruling to include all pets.

The questions raised under AOB at this year’s AGM have now been further discussed at Committee:

  1. Q) Can Centre membership be carried over from one year to the next rather than needing annual renewal?
  2. A) This is a decision made by CAMC Head Office.  It has been raised at regional meetings and taken back to CAMC for discussion but the final decision lies with Head Office.
  3. Q) Who controls the membership of our Centre Facebook group?
  4. A) Committee members are moderators of the Facebook group and try to ensure that people requesting to join are bone fide caravanners who are already members of our Centre or interested in joining our rallies.
  5. Q) When will Focus be updated?
  6. A) Ideally, as soon as possible after each Committee meeting. However, members need to recognise that Committee members are unpaid volunteers, with full time jobs that may sometimes mean that there are delays.
  7. Q) Did the 3500th rally make a profit?
  8. A) Over £600 profit was made.
  9. Q) Could the online booking form be made clearer so that ralliers fill in their correct arrival date when rallies run for longer than two nights?
  10. A) The form does request that ralliers put in the correct dates. There is not a lot else that can be done as this is down to ralliers reading the information!
  11. Q) When is the rally kit checked, as there are some kits needing urgent repair / replacement items?
  12. A) Rally kit is checked at the beginning of each season and occasionally as it comes back into the store if it is not being used for a period of time. However, the rally kit officer relies on rally officers to complete the form in their rally pack notifying the kit officer of any damaged / missing items.  Many rally officers do not return this form, and so the kit officer is not made aware of any kits needing attention in the middle of the rally season.  If more forms were returned, the kit could be updated as necessary.
  13. Q) Who / what does the insurance on rallies cover?
  14. A) Although we know that this covers rally officers for personal liability, Graham is going to take this back to the regional meeting to get clarification from CAMC on exactly how the cover works.
  15. Q) Can there be a way for rally officers to cancel ralliers off the waiting list who no longer wish to attend the rally?
  16. A) This has now been amended by Pete on the website and should be working.
  17. Q) If payment in advance is required for a rally and member has not paid, despite reminders, how long should rally officers wait before filling the space with someone else from the waiting list?
  18. A) Rally officers should use their discretion – if reminders have been issued and ignored and the deadline for payment has passed, rally officers should be able to cancel the place and fill it with someone from the waiting list.


The 2018 rally book has now been completed and has been sent to the printers. It should be available to purchase at the Seasonal Celebration on 16th December and on the Christmas and New Year rallies.  Alternatively, rally books can be posted. Please see the website for details of this.

Our Rally Officers’ Open Forum (ROOF) will be held at 1p.m. on 21st Anyone is welcome to attend this meeting and discuss the upcoming year’s rallies – it’s not just for rally officers.  You may never have run a rally – now is your time to come and find out what it is all about!  We look forward to seeing you at Copythorne Parish Hall.


In the rally officers’ pack for next year, as well as the usual paperwork, there will be a visitors’ list for completion if ralliers have visitors on site during a rally.

The risk assessment for rally officers’ pack is also being revised to make it easier for rally officers to complete and has gone to CAMC for approval.

Dates for next years’ committee meetings:

  • January 15th 2018 
  • February 19th 2018
  • March 19th 2018
  • April 23rd 2018
  • May 21st 2018
  • June 25th 2018
  • July 23rd 2018
  • September 10th 2018
  • October 8th 2018
  • November 12th 2018
  • December 10th 2018

Our new newsletter is due imminently – this will initially only be available to download via the website. We will track the number of downloads & see if it is popular enough to encourage a commercial sponsor so that we can print hard copies in future

Some commercial sites are beginning to impose steep financial restrictions, which means that we may have to look at which sites are viable to use in the future.

I look forward to seeing you on the rally field soon.

Best wishes,

Sue Davis

West Hampshire Committee

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre