Chairmans Message


Chairmans Message


Chairman Michael Firmager
(with his wife Pauline)


Welcome to the 2025 season, West Hampshire Centre, Rally Programme, which we hope you will find appealing, with a wide range of events for everybody to enjoy.

Our Honorary Rally Secretary, ‘Helen Walton’ has worked very hard to provide an expanded programme this year, with over 45 events listed in these pages, and with several new venues for our enjoyment.

I am privileged to be your chairman again, this year (my final year), and I am delighted to have a full team of Centre Officers and Committee Members to work with on your behalf.

We are also very lucky to have a fantastic group of Rally Officers, without whom we couldn’t function. The Rally Officers who run our events are all volunteers, who freely give up their time, to make our centre run.  Please listen to their instructions/requests and support the functions and activities they work hard to put on for you.  Please remember to thank them personally before you leave, and with luck, they will run more events for us all to enjoy. 

It is with great pleasure that I welcome our new Youth Section Committee, and I hope that they, their parents, and their Chairman “Ethan” have another great year.  The youth section rallies are in April at ’Little Metlands Farm’ near Bishops Waltham and July at ‘Awbridge Village Hall’, please give them your support, I am sure they will be two brilliant events! (they always are great rallies)

Our website has functioned reasonably well, in 2024, most of the time!  For the 2025 season, we will continue to strive to make improvements, to make life better, for our Rally Officers and members.

There will always be heavy demand when the new programme goes live, please be patient and only book Rallies you are going to definitely attend.  It is inevitable that some popular Rallies will be oversubscribed, this is why we have a pre-publicised “go live day” to make it as fair as we can for everybody.

Please pay by BACS 7 days before attending a Rally to allow our treasurer to confirm and post payments to the correct rally in time.

We have also been working extremely hard on communicating in a timely manner, by issuing regular Newsletters and In Focus reports.  We hope you find these interesting and informative.

Our Facebook page is a closed network which is only available to registered West Hant’s members, so if you wish to use this facility, please check your West Hant’s registration is current, you can do this on the CAMC website.  Our Facebook is “A Closed System” to reduce the risk of image misuse while making information and pictures available for our members enjoyment.

Ralliers – whichever rallies you choose to attend, we will be delighted to see you, please have another great season, with the West Hampshire Centre.


Safe Journeys and Happy Rallying.

Mike and Pauline


CAMC - West Hampshire Centre