Early at Merley

Early at Merley

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Well, that’s our second rally of 2017 done and after a few early arrivals (tut tut, come on ralliers, you know better!) everyone was in and pitched by 8pm…ish on Friday night.  We of course saved the best pitch for ‘de boss’, even if it was a little way off, but we thought he’d appreciate it.

Saturday brought bright sunshine (thanks for putting that order in Pete 😉 and a pile of us descended on Wimborne Market.  It wasn’t long though before a watering house was found and a few different grapes were tested.

Then it was back to the vans and a quick stroll to Cobham Social Club, where we played at being waiters (full credit to all waiters and waitresses, couldn’t do that job full time!) delivering some really tasty meals and puddings at a fair price.

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Next it was ten pin bowling, well our version of it anyway, which consisted of teams of 5 playing a couple of frames each – result excellent chaos, but I think everyone enjoyed themselves.  The ultimate winners were the ‘Purple Punks’ who were presented with this year’s first trophy for their efforts. Can they retain it next year, that’s the question 😉

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Super brave Madison did manage to injure one of her fingers during the evening though, which led to a trip to A&E and I want to thank Steve Winstanley for taking Jen and her to the hospital and for seeing them back again safely at 1am in the morning.

Flag was held at 10:30 and Paul took the opportunity to mention the 3,500th which is going to be a marvellous rally this year, he then took the opportunity to mention it again (thanks Paul :-). Seriously though, if you haven’t booked on yet and want to, just grab any committee members who can give you all the details or look online here

So to everyone who joined Polly, Josh, Ella-Rose, Pete, Jen, Madison and I at Early at Merley from 10th to 12th February, thanks for making it such fun!

Click Read More to see all of the pictures…

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