12 February 2017

Held at Copythorne Scout Hut


This briefing paper (not formal minutes) has been made available for those ralliers who were not able to attend the Open Forum which was advertised in the rally book and via the website and also as an ‘aid memoir’ for those who did attend.

The Forum was opened at 11.45am by the current Chairman; Paul Hopkins and assisted by the West Hampshire Committee members. 

Paul welcomed those ralliers present and stated that the Open Forum is a Forum for ralliers to ask questions and opened the floor. 

The first to speak was Mrs Pat Brierley who thanked all the ralliers who have helped her and her husband whenever they have needed a helping hand.

Paul was then asked how is the 3,500th rally and is it filling up?  Paul was able to answer that to date 91 bookings have been made and out of those 91, 80 deposits have been received.

Paul informed ralliers that they may be able to pay the balance of the 3,500th rally online as this feature will soon be made available and if any rally officers present were interested in on line payment for their rallies, to contact Pete Lyon-Marrian.  However, it was stressed that ralliers who still wish to pay with cash or by cheque for the rallies they attend they will still be able to use those options, the Centre is just trying to assist ralliers with more up to date methods.

A cut-off date for booking a place at the 3,500th rally will have to be made and will be published shortly on the website.  The reason there has to be a cut-off date is that once the number of places have been filled to accommodate the marquee that has currently been ordered we shall be unable to increase the size of the marquee.

Graham Kirby then moved onto the new committee fleeces and the new beanie hat (aptly modelled by Steve Brierley).  If any rallier is interested in a fleece and/or hat for themselves, (minus the ‘WHCC Committee’ on the back of the fleece!)  to please contact Pete Lyon-Marrian, the more bought the better the discount! The fleece is approx. £25, the hat £7.

Graham stated that he and Paul regularly attend the Regional meetings.  One area talked about is new ralliers. There is a need for ideas of how to attract them and indeed this was a question from the floor.  This then provoked questions from the floor with suggestions of sending new ralliers a rally book.  It was explained to those present that the centre is not able financially to do this.  At a committee meeting last year it was discussed to offer new ralliers money off their first rally, or perhaps have a dedicated rally for new ralliers.  Though in reality the centre cannot stand the cost of giving free nights away.  The committee will re-look at this though and further discuss.

It was suggested from the floor to email all new ralliers a list of rallies taking place.  New ralliers are sent a welcome pack which gives a link to the website which details our rallies.  They are also given the options of how to purchase a rally book.  The centre cannot afford to keep sending rally books out.  Postage is £1.20.

Nick Blake went on to explain that this year due to the cost of printing and then destroying a number of rally books through not selling them last year only 400 rally books were printed. By the time a FREE rally book is given to rally officers, past chairmen, the other 9 centres in our region, Caravan Club and fellowship achievers, and the number of books sold there just aren’t enough to give away and could not to afford to do so.  As it stands this year we are doing the same as a number of other centres and now sending to each other PDF copies, to save on costs.

This then prompted ralliers on the floor asking for a PDF copy. This can be arranged, a link is now available at the bottom of the rally list on the website.

Leaflets are currently going out to local caravan dealers which hopefully may bring in interest by new ralliers to attend the 3,500th rally.

It was asked if the letter that goes to new ralliers informs them of the Facebook page, the response was that it does not.

It was stated the Focus was out of date on the website and the last one is dated December. Having checked the website, it was found this is up to date.  Not a lot has happened since December and therefore a new version has not been written.

It was asked if the Youth Section can camp at the 3,500th and Paul confirmed a ‘tent city’ will be allowed.

Stall holders are still being sought for the 3,500th, anyone interested, please contact Paul.

On a final note, a lovely remark was made again by Mrs Pat Brierley in saying what a lovely centre we are and how good it is. So, please – help us keep this up!

Open Forum closed at 12.25pm


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CAMC - West Hampshire Centre