Online Booking

Online Booking


Dear Members,

The online booking system for the remaining rallies June to December 2021 will soon be going live – although we will not advertise the precise time else this causes a spike in traffic and the potential for the site to time out.  Therefore please keep checking the site over the next few days as rallies have to be put live one at a time. 
This is a final reminder that ONLINE BOOKING is your only way of booking rallies for the remainder of this season, and that Rally Officers will not be accepting or processing paper slips for their rallies or accepting “enquires” about being added to waiting lists.  We have highlighted this several times already – as we feel this is the fairest way and gives everyone the same equal opportunity in booking rallies during these ever changing circumstances & pandemic restrictions.

Please remember that our online booking system was never designed to cope with such unusual high demand caused by everyone trying to book everything at the same time.  Part of the website security (which usually protects against hackers) will automatically prevent too many concurrent users – and a “timeout” or “error 404” message may sometimes be displayed – if this happens, please try logging in again & booking in a few minutes.

We thank you all for your patience and understanding when booking a rally.

Your Committee

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre