Virtual AGM

Virtual AGM


AGM Registration Now Open – Click Here


Dear Members

As you will be aware the Committee postponed the centres AGM in October.  We can now confirm the AGM has been rescheduled to take place on Sunday 29th November 2020 at 1.30pm, it will be a VIRTUAL ZOOM meeting. You will need to pre-register to attend this event – and details of how to do this will be posted in the next couple of weeks.

As before, with the original AGM we will be streamlining the event with reports and all resumes being sent out in advance and posted on the Website and NOT read out on the day.  By sending them out in advance you have the opportunity to send in any questions on the reports to the Committee so that we are able answer them on the day.  We would also like AOB questions sent in advance to the Committee; again so hopefully we can answer them on the day.  

Like so many things this season this will be a first for us, so in advance we thank you for your cooperation and patience whilst we are working through this.  With the date being set for 29th November 2020 here are the new cut off dates.

  • Nominations to be received by our centre Secretary by 1:30pm(Adult) and 12:30pm(Youth) on Sunday 15thNovember 2020
  • NOTICES of MOTION must be received by our centre Secretary by 1.30pm on Sunday 25th October 2020
  • Rally book cover competition to be received by 1:30pm on Sunday 15th November 2020


Only members who submitted their Centre Registration Card at least 35 days prior to the date of the meeting (25thOctober 2020) are entitled to speak or vote, although the Clubs Constitution does not forbid the admission of spouses or other persons of the member’s family. 

As you will have noticed on the current live Nomination form if we had proceeded with the original AGM date of 3rdOctober we would NOT have been able to form a Committee.  We are short of members coming forward and filling some vital roles.  If you feel you could contribute in some form or you’ve not been happy with how the current Committee have performed now is your opportunity to stand and make that change.   As we have postponed the AGM, we have extended the opportunity for you to put your name forward by the 15th November. If nobody comes forward and we DON’T form a quorum, the Centre could go into HIBERNATION. (A quorum is a minimum of 5 Centre members and must include Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer).

We appreciate this has not been the easiest of seasons and the Committee have had to make decisions that not all of you agree with, we didn’t expect to be in a PANDEMIC, so there’s always going to be a difference of opinions and an alternative option, but it’s a democratic Committee where everything’s discussed; views and concerns are raised and listened to then voted on, with it taking a majority vote before any action is taken.  

As we’ve said before “YOUR CENTRE NEEDS YOU” if you want to rally with West Hampshire Centre next year it’s no good thinking someone else will do it, sadly it could be too late.

Thank you

Your  Committee


CAMC - West Hampshire Centre