Officers and Committee Restructuring for 2020 season
As you will be aware, Ross Oliver stood down from his role as Rally Secretary yesterday and as this is a vital role within the Committee, the position required filling without delay as booking sites for 2021 programme is well underway – so a swift transition is required.
With this in mind, Graham has asked Malcolm to step in and fill the role as Rally Secretary and Sean Tarrant to assist. They have both kindly agreed – and between them they will work together in producing a programme for us to enjoy.
They will also continue in their existing roles as Kit and Equipment Officers.
Graham will continue assisting them with collections from store when required.
As we are currently not rallying at this moment, when we do get back on the rally field, we feel that no role will suffer as a result of restructuring until all positions are reviewed at our AGM.
Graham and the rest of the Committee would like to thank Malcolm and Sean for taking on the extra duty ensuring we have a programme for the 2021 season.
Your Committee.