


It is with great sadness the Committee have to announce that Ross Oliver, our Rally Secretary, has resigned with immediate effect.

Circumstances have changed for him recently and he feels he cannot give the role the time it requires.  It is not a decision he has made lightly but one he felt he had to make – and we therefore fully support him. Ross has been a valued member of our team and will be sadly missed by us all.

In the current situation of Covid19 and being unable to get out and enjoy our hobby, the Rally Secretary duties will be covered by the existing Committee for the rest of this season – including completing the 2021 programme. 

We hope you will join us in thanking Ross for all the work he has done for the Centre & wish him all the best in the future – and look forward to seeing him back on the rally field when the current restrictions are over.

Your Committee.

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre