More cancelled Rallies

Cancelled Rallies issue No 2


Dear Ralliers

As we stated in our communication to you all on 18 March 2020 we would keep you updated with any developments of our rallies with the West Hampshire Centre.

All Centres have now received the following dated 22.03.20 (11.05)


To help ensure Government advice on social distancing is followed, the Club will

be closing its UK sites network today – Sunday 22 March 2020. All UK sites will remain closed until 30 June 2020.In line with this decision, we are extending this closure of activities to the Club’s Centres and rallies with immediate effect. Any further rallies need to be cancelled and no Club rallies are to be held until after 30 June 2020.

As you are aware your Centres decision was to cancel rallies for 30 days from 18 March, this is now extended until after 30 June 2020 as per instructions received from the Caravan and Motorhome Club.


Your Committee

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre