Cancelled Rallies

Cancelled Rallies


Dear Ralliers

All Centres have now had guidance from the Caravan and Motorhome Club with respect to Coronavirus (COVID19) on how to proceed with rallies as at 17.3.20 at 15.45

The guidance states that the Clubs site network remains open at this time and not currently advising that all rallies should be cancelled. All units on a rally field must follow the spacing guidelines. Any social events associated with a rally should not proceed. The decision about whether a rally should proceed needs to take place locally based on the personnel available to marshall the event. We need to be mindful of Government advice and take into account the 70s age group and those with underlying health conditions.

Your committee spent most of last evening discussing the above and Graham, your Chairman has stated the following:

I feel the Centre should comply with the Governments instructions of non essential travel, no gatherings, 70s and over and underlying health issues to self isolate. Rallying is our hobby but not essential. As a committee we cannot expect our Rally Officers and Ralliers to take any unnecessary risks to their health by attending rallies. With this in mind the committee have agreed (by unanimous vote) that the West Hampshire Centre suspend rallying for the next 30 days. I am not taking this decision lightly but I feel we have little choice with the matter changing daily. We will assess the situation if this needs extending. I feel as these are unprecedented times that we have to make the decision which is best for our members.

Regards – Graham

So in summary: all rallies for the next 30 days to include Shamba, Easter at Mary Hare School, Easter at Lower Tye Farm and The Party Continues are now cancelled. We will be in contact with rally officers of the above rallies to discuss refunds. There is no need for you to contact us directly, we ask for your patience whilst this is being dealt with.

This is a very sad outcome and hope all our ralliers respect the decision made. Your committee will continue to work on your behalf and keep you updated as and when there are any developments.

Any questions/queries please as normal contact Caroline Harvey your committee secretary by email to

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre