3500th Special Booking Form

3500th Special Booking Form

To confirm a place at the 3500th Rally we need a special booking form completed with more details about when and who is coming, along with a deposit. There are two versions of the form that can be used, 1 for printing and filling out manually, the 2nd for filling in and then printing. Links to the forms are show below;

Either form must be printed and sent to the address on the form along with a cheque. Only one form is required – you do not need to fill it in twice.

Once we have received your form and deposit your booking will be confirmed. Until the deposit is received the booking is NOT finalised and your space is not guaranteed.

If you have any problems with the forms please let any committee member know. We will also have paper copies of the forms if you are unable to print them at home.


CAMC - West Hampshire Centre