The Wessex Cup Is Still Gleaming






CONGRATULATIONS must go to all the organisers, participants, spectators, marshals, referees and everyone who contributed in any way to our win of THE WESSEX CUP.  West Hants also won the Group Cup, Individual Cup and Team Cup!  The team camaraderie all weekend was absolutely brilliant.   

 The Wessex is a bi-annual competition weekend, with Caravan Club Centres from the Wessex Region competing against each other.  Whether you are taking part or supporting; great fun is had by all.   

It’s a rally not to be missed. 

Evening one:  Adults FANCY DRESS – and West Hampshire did us proud.  1st, 2nd and 3rd. Followed by a Barn Dance where fun was had by all.  


 Throughout the weekend there were INDIVIDUAL EVENTS:  Which included: Driving and Reversing, Children’s Cycling, Cakes, Flowers, Handicrafts, Photography. What a magnificent turn out there was from our members and all the other centres.  West Hants scored loads of valuable points on our scoreboard from these entries.  


Next were the TEAM EVENTS:  Which included:  5-a-side football, Netball, Volleyball, Skittles, Boules, Lawn Darts.  Everyone participated with great gusto, often winning their finals or gaining points on the board throughout the knock out rounds.  Everyone’s support for these events was outstanding and there was a positive feeling in the air.


Saturday night and time for the CENTRES ENTERTAIN:  A family show where each centre puts on a range of acts for the audience to enjoy.  With 3 superb West Hampshire entries –  A “Greatest Showman” solo performance by Elysha Tracey which received 1st placeThe small group act “If I was not upon the stage”, which achieved 1st place and the larger group entertainment “Jukebox Surprise”, which also came 1st. 

WOW what a brilliant evening’s entertainment.  I cried, laughed and thoroughly enjoyed the whole evening – great fun was had by all.  Again there was more fantastic support by everyone that evening and West Hants managed to create an enthusiastic cast, including talented scenery makers/artists and scenery shifters.  These can be viewed on Facebook apparently.  (I am past my sell buy date to access Facebook!).   

Sunday evening saw the ILLUMINATED WINDOW DISPLAYS – Our ralliers spent hours decorating their van windows, which were illuminated later in the evening.  1st, 2nd and 3rd places across all categories.  Well done all.  Brilliant. 


DISCO AND ENTERTAINMENT: The Sunday evening entertainment was great, with a disco for the youngsters and a comedy magician and singing group for the whole family to enjoy.  I don’t think the ralliers wanted to stop partying that night. 


Monday finished with the CHILDREN’S FANCY DRESS:  A magnificent display by all the children who had great fun taking part in the fancy dress competition – a lot of time and effort was put into this event.  Well done to you all.


 This is not to forget all the other events the Wessex has to offer… the fun dog show, cross country, tea and cake afternoon, pub quiz, charity book sale, grand draw and church service. 


We may have only had 18 vans attending the Wessex, but the quest for the Wessex Cup was enjoyably pursued with the full participation and enthusiasm of every West Hampshire member, all working together as a team. 

I quote: ‘I want to bottle up this elated feeling right now and pop it open when people ask what West Hants teamwork at the Wessex looks like’.  And do you know – this type of teamwork is what West Hampshire is all about. 

We have extremely talented people in West Hampshire. CONGRATULATIONS WEST HAMPSHIRE 

I am so proud to be a member of this wonderful Centre – Thank you all. 



Pauline Firmager 

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre