54th AGM Notice

West Hampshire Centre of the Caravan Club Ltd
Fifty Fourth Annual General Meeting
Sunday 7th October 2018 commencing at 13.30


Nominations for Officers and Committee

Notice is hereby given that the following nominations for Officers and Committee for the West Hampshire Centre of the Caravan Club have been received prior to the closing date of Sunday 23rd September 2018 at 13.30.



(1 Vacancy)

Paul HopkinsMike FirmagerPeter Humphries
Vice Chairman     

(1 Vacancy)

Graham KirbyB.J WalkerHelen Sykes
Hon. Secretary     

(1 Vacancy)

Sharon LongVic PragnellClare Willis
Hon. Treasury     

(1 Vacancy)

Marion Alcock     


Nick BlakeSharon Long
Hon. Rally Secretary     

(1 Vacancy)

Nicholas BlakeMatthew TraceyGraham Fox

(7 Vacancies)

Colin DavisJ GowlingN Burston
Shaun ElseyPauline FirmagerMike Firmager
Dave WillisVic PragnellSharon Long
Emma FrancisPeter Lyon-MarrianRay Long
Brodie HopkinsEmma ElseyRay Long

All nominations for the above positions must be received by the Secretary within the specified time of 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, as stated in Section 2 Annex B Rule 8 of Caravan Club Centre Rules and they will then be eligible for consideration under Item 9 of the Agenda for the Annual General Meeting.

Notices of Motion

As required by Section 2 Annex B Rule 7 of the Caravan Club Centre Rules, formal notices of motion duly signed by the proposer and seconder, must be received by the Centre Secretary not later than thirty-five days prior to the meeting i.e. 2nd September 2018.

Notice of MotionProposerSeconder
In order to reflect the views of a broader membership base, it is proposed that:     

  1. A member may only nominate or second ONE person for Committee.


It is also proposed that:

  1. No person standing for Committee may nominate or second any other position for Committee e.g. Committee members may not cross-nominate each other but be nominated and seconded by ordinary members.


Both measures will ensure that if a full Committee of 12 persons are elected, they will represent the views of at least 24 different members.

Kate DupontAlison Tracey

Secretary West Hants Centre

Youth Section Committee

Nominations received for Youth Section Committee are:

Y.S. Chairman     

(1 Vacancy)

Eleanor RobertsEmma CollisterLuke Gregory
Y.S. Secretary     

(1 Vacancy)

Y.S. Treasury     

(1 Vacancy)

Y.S. Committee     


Luke GregoryEmma CollisterRebecca Kirby
Hilary HurcombIsabelle TarrantMason Hopkins
Rebecca KirbyEleanor RobertsEmma Collister
Megan RobertsAdam CollisterLuke Gregory
Isabelle TarrantRebecca KirbyHilary Hurcomb
Jermain BakerEmma CollisterAdam Collister

NB All those persons who are nominated or are proposing others for nomination for Executive and Committee positions must themselves be registered as full or family members of the West Hampshire Centre 35 clear days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.  These rules also apply to voting and speaking at the Annual General meeting.

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre