Focus Highlight
Dear All
For those of you that have not had the opportunity to read July’s Focus, Graham and the Committee would like to highlight a couple of paragraphs.
- After a recent rally the committee were informed that some ralliers had tested positive for Covid 19. An email was sent immediately to all those who attended Bamptons Farm rally asking them to take appropriate action. Please could we ask that anyone who feels unwell with Covid symptoms before the start of the rally please do not attend rally. If you feel ill on the rally field please follow the protocol set out, stay at your outfits, inform the rally officers by phone of your situation and leave the rally field as soon as possible, Sadly this horrible virus is still with us and we need to be as vigilant as we ever were.
- To a certain degree, rallies are now able to run as ‘normal` but how normal is normal? Committee agreed at the meeting that rally officers should use their discretion if they wish to hold flagpole, or a gathering and raffles could return but have to remain self-funding. Please be mindful of those on the rally and if they wish to continue wearing a mask and not participate that is their decision everyone has their own way of dealing with his situation so please respect them. We would like to ask rally officers to continue cleaning water taps and hand sanitizer will still be available in the rally kits. We are taking a cautious approach back to rallying we are not out of Pandemic yet just another chapter. Advance payments for rallies will remain in place at this moment in time, visitors can return to the rally field, We will review the situation at the next meeting in September.
From Head Office
- Even though Covid regulations have been relaxed by the UK government, please remember that the Pandemic is not over, Covid is still prevalent, and all centres should remain vigilant and take precautions when necessary. The Club has a duty of care to our volunteer members that run Centre events, and the Club members that attend rallies. There may sometimes be a slight difference in the guidance operated on the Club sites, however, we try to mirror them as much as possible. More importantly, please be respectful of all members concerns whether you agree with them or not #weareallinthistogether
Happy Holidays
Graham and Committee