Dear Members
We held our virtual meeting last night (8th February) and discussed the ongoing situation with regard to when rallies may commence again. As promised, an update is provided as below:
Rally Suspensions
Unfortunately, the position has not changed since our last post (13th Jan) – all Club Sites remain closed – and CAMC HQ advice is still that all Rallies and events would not be permitted and therefore be suspended for the “foreseeable future”.
Some Landowners have already contacted us to advise they will not be opening anytime soon. We have also spoken to the Rally Officers for March and some April rallies, and the general consensus is that the UK situation is still unsafe – hence requesting their rallies be cancelled. We have always said that Committee would support such decisions, and with this in mind:
- All rallies and events in February remain cancelled.
- All rallies and events in March are cancelled.
- Rallies 9 (Easter), 10 (Awbridge) and 11 (Little Metlands) in April are cancelled
- Rally 14 (Dornafield) is also cancelled – at request of Site Owner.
- Rallies 12 (East Ashling) and 13 (Stedham) at the end of April/May will be reviewed at 8th March meeting.
The situation is changing daily but hopefully this gives you some clarity in the short term.
Rally Officer Forum – date change
With the extended rally suspension, and as the date initially chosen we realise now is “Mothering Sunday”, we are rescheduling the Rally Officer part of ROOF to Sunday 11th April at 2.00 PM.
It will still be in the form of a Virtual Zoom meeting for the 2021 Rally Officers. Email invitations and electronic information Packs will be sent out in the week before the event. This will hopefully allow us to take the very latest CAMC HQ Covid19 guidelines into consideration.
Rally Bookings
Having listened to member feedback, whilst CAMC have not yet given us permission to rally, we are taking the positive view that we hope to be able to get away in the summer months, so will be releasing the Holiday Rallies for booking online – Bagwell Farm, Weymouth (28) and Rousdon (37). Please check out the rallies page in the next couple of days. We hope this gives you the opportunity to plan your holidays in advance.
However, it has been decided that NO further weekend rallies will be released for online booking until CAMC change their advice.
We must reiterate that when further rallies are released, ONLINE BOOKING will be your ONLY way of booking on any rally between June and December. NO paper slips will be accepted by the Rally Officers – in line with all our previous communications on this matter. Any attempt to “jump the queue” on this process by way of postal or direct email booking or enquiry about joining a waiting list will therefore not be accepted and will be destroyed.
We still believe this gives everyone the same equal and fairest opportunity to book onto the remaining Rallies in thistime of unprecedented circumstances.
Remember – it was the members who asked for online booking!
The vaccine roll out program is a real positive – but until all ralliers have had the choice & opportunity to receive one – there may still be Covid19 Restrictions and social distancing measures in place on any WH Rally.
However, the opportunity to get away with friends – even at a distance – is still better than we have now.
Stay Safe.
Graham & Committee