Committee Announcement

Committee Announcement


Dear Members

Happy New Year to you All!

2020 was a year most of us would like to forget for obvious reasons but the start of 2021 looks like it’s going to be as challenging. The whole country went into Lockdown 3 (5th Jan) and CAMC Headquarters subsequently informed Centre Committees (6th Jan) of the Club’s position as below.

Rally Suspensions

All Club Sites would be closed and all Rallies and events would not be permitted and therefore be suspended with immediate effect for the “foreseeable future” (with NO cut-off date mentioned).

The Committee held their first Virtual meeting of the year on Monday evening (11th Jan), and with the information received from HQ, we decided we would like to give our members some clarification on our Centres position.

  • All rallies and events in January and February are cancelled.
  • All rallies in March and April (and possibly beyond) will be reviewed at our February meeting – and we will keep Rally Officers affected by this informed of any decisions that are made, before advising the wider membership.

The situation is changing daily and nobody knows what’s going to happen next,but hopefully this gives you some clarity. Ultimately though our future decisions will be dependent on Lockdown Restrictions and when CAMC feel it’s safe to lift rallying suspension because sadly “foreseeable future” could be the whole year.

Rally Officer and Open Forum

We are rescheduling the Rally Officer part of ROOF to Sunday 14th March at 2.00 PM.

It will be in the form of a Virtual Zoom meeting with invited attendees only – being the 2021 Rally Officers – and unlike the recent AGM Webinar, participation will be possible on the day.  We hope to be in the position to send email invitations out end Feb/early March.

No date has been set at the moment for the rescheduling of the Open Forum (for all members) as the Committee would like to run an actual face-to-face meeting when restrictions are lifted.

If this turns out to be unachievable, we will hold another Virtual Zoom meeting – again with participation by those attending.

Rally Bookings

Without knowing how long the restrictions will remain, it has been decided that at this moment in time the online booking system will remain static – with no more rallies being released – and this will be reviewed in line with the Rally Suspensions.

Only when rallies are permitted by CAMC and further rallies are released, ONLINE BOOKINGwill be your ONLYway of booking on any rally between June and December. 

NO paper slips will be accepted by the Rally Officers – in line with our initial web/Facebook/MailChimp message in December – and this message will be reiterated again at ROOF.

We believe this gives everyone the same equal and fairest opportunity to book onto the remaining Rallies in this time of unprecedented circumstances.

Any attempt since mid-December to “jump the queue” on this process by way of postal or direct email booking or enquiry about joining a waiting list will therefore not be accepted and will be destroyed.

Vacant Committee positions

There are still spaces on the Committee, with the Rally Secretary role being one of them.   Despite the current situation, we need to be planning the 2022 season rallies as these are the main Centre activities.  If you think you could fill this or one of the two other positions please contact any member of the Committee for any advice or a chat.  It would be great to have other people on board. 

Sadly, the Covid19 Restrictions are not getting any easier and we are still having to send this type of posting, but with the roll out of a vaccine there is hope at the end of the tunnel – although we just don’t know how long that tunnel is.

Best wishes,

Graham & Committee

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre