AGM Nomination Forms

AGM Nomination Forms


Dear Rallier and Youth Section

Due to the present Covid-19 Pandemic situation, the Committee are following CAMC guidance in that nomination forms for Committee and Youth Section positions will have to be completed by another method and not the normal paper slip to be passed around for signature.

If you wish to nominate someone for a Committee position, please contact   for the relevant nomination form (Youth or Committee).  Please complete the form, save a copy and then forward the form by email onto the proposer who needs to forward to the seconder. You will have to obtain email addresses in order to do this.

Once the last person has filled in the form, please then forward the completed form to the Centre Secretary at by 1.30pm for Adults or 12.30 for Youth Committee on Saturday 19 September 2020 

The Centre Secretary will confirm receipt of nomination form to the nominated person.

Forwarding will show that each person has received the email and it has not been filled in fraudulently.

Thank you for your cooperation with this and again unprecedented way of conducting this years AGM.

Your Committee

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre