Dear Ralliers
Following our last update on 11 June, the Committee have agreed to continue with the suspension of rallies until the end of July.
This will bring West Hampshire in line with our neighbouring Centres.
This has not been an easy decision to take, having been discussed at length at both the May & June Committee meetings on the safe way forward. We have also waited until receiving an update on 16 June from CAMC with COVID/secure protocol advice. Unfortunately this advice DOES NOT give a definitive date for returning to rallying, but includes measures on how to prepare, which include:-
- NO SOCIAL GATHERINGS from different households/outfits including use of awnings/canopies/gazebos
- NO cash payments
- NO flagpole meets or raffles
- 2m social distancing at water & service points.
- Following NHS Track & Trace Policy in the event of anyone becoming unwell during the rally
…….so a different rallying experience than we are all used to.
Whilst CAMC are planning & hope to open some of their sites, this is still subject to Govt confirmation. Once open, this will then allow time to see how the changes being made bed in – and help shape how we could rally safely.
Unfortunately, we were informed by Solent Grange (Carrington) on 17 June that they have cancelled all 2020 events – including cancellation of our August Bank Holiday rally.
The Rally Officers have sent a separate email to all those with bookings.
Safety is our paramount concern and we hope that you will respect the Committee decision.
Like you, we want to get out – but only when the time is right – so please remember; #weareallinthistogether.
Your Committee