Next Years Rallies

Next Years Rallies


To all Rally Officers

Thank you for your support in 2020 through these difficult times, I am sure many of you are disappointed that you have not been able to run your Rallies this year. We all appreciate the hard work you all put in organising these events for our enjoyment.

This year has seen many rallies cancelled which has had a serious effect on the centres earnings. Therefore as we plan ahead for the 2021 rally programme, we would like to run a lot more rallies in our programme to recover from the financial loss due to Covid 19.

I am therefore asking each rally officer to confirm to me by return whether they want to run their usual rallies as per the 2020 programme in 2021.I would also like to appeal to you all to consider taking on one or two extra rallies next year, If you know of a member who has not run a rally before consider asking them to run a rally with you.

You may have a new venue in mind please let me know if this is the case, we would like to increase the number of rallies in our programme to a minimum of 65 next year.

Remember it is our Club, we will only get out of it what we as members  are prepared to put in

Thank you from all the Committee for all you have done for our centre in the past and hopefully for the future.

 Kind regards

 Your Rally Secretary  & Assistant Rally Secretary

Malcolm Wright & Sean Tarrant

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre