Focus April 2018

Focus April 2018

A committee meeting was held 23rd April 2018 and attended by PH, HH, GK, NB, CD, SE,DR, MG, BH, SD.   The meeting opened at 7.30pm and closed at 10.22pm

Apologies were received from JLM, PLM.

Treasurer update:

The Chairman received correspondence from Jenny to inform that she and her new baby Zoe were both well, and that Jenny wished to resign her position as Treasurer with immediate effect.   She recognised that this would cause an impact on the centre and kindly offered to support and assist a new treasurer when one is sought. Jenny is understandably wishing to focus on her new beautiful baby and family and the committee were completely understanding of this.

The committee and centre members, would like to thank Jenny and her family, for enabling her time as a volunteer to manage what is an interesting and challenging role at times, with large time demands   Jenny was been with the team for just over 12months and has carried out her duties in her a very professional manner, and will be missed within the team.

We have updated headquarters of this position, and are now eager to find a replacement to assist with this role, if you wish to consider this role please talk to Mr Paul Hopkins or Mr Graham Kirby, as the centre will be unable to continue without this role.

Broadlands Payments:

All refunds have now been sent out via postal system and all ralliers who had paid for this rally should now have received these.  Refunds were made possible as the event organiser had not been paid and was not expecting payment until closure of the rally for pitches used, and so there had not been a transaction made.

The committee worked hard to ensure refunds were made as quickly as possible to those affected, once the information was available. In the event that you have not received your refund, please make it known ASAP.

The committee completely supported the rally officer’s decision to cancel the rally at short notice, as the weather conditions were particularly difficult and could have impacted on health and safety of both ralliers and outfits, of which must be priority.  It must have been very disappointing for rally officers and those booked, and we hope the rally officers have dried out now, having been very bogged down after their arrival.


Changes to kit:  Following requests from ralliers, the committee have taken further discussion and are planning to make some changes to one kit, as a trial basis initially to test out the requested changes.  


GDPR–   General Data Protection Regulation comes into action from 25th May 2018 and will affect us as a club and centre.   We are working hard with headquarters to ensure that we are compliant with the changes.   Key committee members, are requested to undertake some specific training to ensure the smooth running and conduct of the centre.

This will affect information that is shared with you, in terms of member’s personal information and may have impact on how we are able to publicise documents including photographs.  

West Hants were recently praised by HQ at a South West Regional meeting, for how we had already ahead of time, made some changes, in how we detail personal information in our rally book.  

Communication received: The committee received some excellent feedback from a landowner advising of how courteous and respectful, smooth running the rally had been at Chill on the Green.   The committee would like to thank and congratulate the rally officers Mike and Lorraine Gregory and Lee and Jo Baker, for their conduct, as well as all those in attendance at this rally

Youth section charity: An update was provided from Shaun that the Youth section are delighted and very grateful to those who are supporting their charity this year, especially to rally officers who are jointly aiding opportunities to assist with their fund raising.  They will provide an update on monies raised so far very soon……

South West Regional meeting–   Attended by Paul Hopkins and Graham Kirby on 24th March 2018 at Swindon.   Discussion was held in connection to planning further events to include “meet the members” events for the forthcoming year, changes to GDPR and impacts on centres.   They were advised that CAMC are looking at ways to increase memberships, adding that only 10% of CAMC members are registered with a centre.

Request :The chairman advised that of late, he has felt an increasing displeasure to contents of correspondence in that these are often personal and unkind, aimed at committee and or rally officers , who denote to members who give up a significant amount of time for us, our centre and you as a member to enjoy your free and leisure time with similar people.

At times, it can feel like a “thank less task”, totally not necessary which will result in the centre struggling to keep committee members and ultimately our centre.

Renewing your membership with our centre: The centre Secretary is currently reviewing this, and reminds all members to renew their request to become WH members each year, at your renewal time of CAMC membership.   It is essential that all rally officers are WH members, to ensure that you are covered under the insurance held with HQ offering you cover on a third party basis, against any liability.



As the season really opens up, it has been a long winter and we are all desperate to get out and bask in the sunshine.   I wish you all every happiness and enjoyment, making memories with your friends and families over the forthcoming weeks.

           Helen Hopkins Centre Secretary

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre