Passing of Mike Stevens

We have been informed of the passing of Mike Stevens. Mike and his wife Sandra were regular  ralliers who also ran many rallies, including the centre’s Austrian Christmas rally for many years. Mike also served on the centre committee.

The funeral will be held on Wednesday 28th March at 10.30am, at Portchester Crematorium, Upper Cornaway Lane, Portchester, PO16 8NE

20 thoughts on “Passing of Mike Stevens

    1. Sheila Cawte

      Sorry to hear this Sandra, I remember Mike always addressing all my mail to Miss Moneypenny when I was treasurer. Thinking of you,I know what it is like to lose a loved one.

    2. Lyn Walker

      So sorry to hear this Sandra were both thinking about you and the happy times we’ve had rallying with you both,as Brian said especially Austria in the snow( eventually) x

    3. Susan Southwell

      We are thinking of you Sandra at this sad time, you taught our grandson the ‘same old faces’ shout at flagpole and he still remembers you. They were great times and you were both always there. Take care Sue and Frank xxx

  1. Sarah Willis

    Very sad to hear that. Remember Mike and Sandra very well. In particular, Sandra’s “same old faces..” she used to say when the raffle was on at flag! Ross Oliver please pass on our condolences to Sandra. Andy & Sarah x

  2. Alan Port

    Good memories of a cheerful and happy man. Always put on a great rally. Sincere condolences to Sandra and your family. Alan & Anne.

  3. Suzy Smith

    Oh Sandra ! Sending my love . Remember you both as such happy lovely people with such a good sense of humour … just won’t be “same old faces” Any more . Xxxx

  4. Ross Oliver

    Just a Couple of words from Sandra Thank you for all your kind words and cards and a special big thank you to those who came to Mike,s funeral today Lots of Same Old Faces Love Sandra xx

CAMC - West Hampshire Centre