October / November 2016
Now we have a full committee and just had our second meeting, of which I would like to keep you, as our members informed .
Childrens Xmas Party:
It was with great regret that the committee, had to make a decision, to cancel the Children`s Xmas party. This was due to very few bookings, making it unsustainable. We hope that this can be reconsidered for the forthcoming season.
WH Seasonal Celebration- Rally 46A. December 17th 2016
The revised Carol Service, is scheduled to take place, offering a chance get together, with friends, sing some Christmas Carols, as well as our Youth Section, delivering some light entertainment. Please book this event, to enable rally officers to cater, for numbers.
2017 Season:
The centre will continue to build upon, the successful online booking facility, looking to develop for this season, a means of online payment, in the near future. We will update on this, as this unfolds.
Sheila Cawte, has kindly supported and shared her knowledge, to enable our newly appointed Treasurer, Jen Lyon-Marrian, to ensure handover of this important position, and has offered ongoing support, in the future.
Each committee member, has an appointed “buddy” to enable the role, to be supported by another, committee member, that in event of holidays, illness, or general support in times of overwhelming duties, it should ensure a smooth running for the centre. As well as sharing knowledge and skills, within the team.
Rally Books 2017:
The upcoming seasons, rally books, for 2017 are now available to purchase at a cost of £2.00 or £3.50 to be posted.
Can we remind, that in the event that you need to cancel a rally, please ensure, you inform the rally officers, and be warned, that you may incur costs, for not fulfilling your booking. The centre, cannot finance pitch cancelations
Wessex 2018
There has been a Wessex meeting, of which was attended by Mike Firmager, Anne Miller, and Paul Hopkins, to brush up, after this year`s Wessex and start to consider developments for the forthcoming event in 2018.We will need to recruit to new Wessex Rep, so, if anyone, is interested, to developing the Wessex, please consider this, to represent our centre, along with Anne Miller, who has kindly offered to continue her role.
Regional AGM
A regional meeting, has also, taken place and attended by Paul Hopkins and Graham Kirby. Pleased to announce that a WH member and past chair, has remained at The Regional Chairman and we would like congratulate her, in continuing this role- Susan Southwell.
There will be a “Meet the members” forum, of which you are invited to attend 6th April 2017, at Hunter Moon CC site and again, 15-16th September 2017 at Mornhill CC Site . You are invited to attend, ask questions, to Caravan Club. If you would like more information on this, please see Paul or Graham.
The next Regional Meeting will be held 7th January 2017, in Taunton.
I’m delighted to announced that we have a Newsletter representative on committee, and would ask that you write in with stories, articles, perhaps, share your enjoyment of a recent rally that you have attended, complete with photos, or upcoming events. Please contact Mike Gregory, to enable him to create our Newsletter.
WH Seasonal Celebration- Rally 46A. December 17th 2016
The revised Carol Service, is scheduled to take place, offering a chance get together, with friends, sing some Christmas Carols, as well as our Youth Section, delivering some light entertainment. Please book this event, to enable rally officers to cater, for numbers.
3500th Rally 21-24 July 2017-update.
Sub Committee, are busy, planning, this special celebration rally, having monthly meetings, to ensure the progress is made to deliver this prestige event.
Special booking forms, will be available, very soon, although, initial booking s can be made online.
Other centres, are also aware of this event, and so, it is hoped they will join us, in the celebration.
Recruitment of Rally officers:
Rally 69 –Christmas Wishes at Tangley- Rally Officers required. Regrettably the centre, is now looking for rally officers, to run this event.
Next Committee Meeting
Monday 12th December 2016.
I hope to see you on the rally field, regards
Paul Hopkins
WH Chairman