• We are planning to move the storage unit to Kings Worthy sometime during June and once it has been moved we will let rally officers know where they can collect rally equipment from.
  • Don’t forget that all the rules for the competitions at the Wessex are now available either via our web site or from the various event managers (see page 11 of the Rally book). Don’t forget to book the rally too – see page 89 of your Rally book.
  • Our rally Secretary – Malcolm, has already put much of next year’s rally programme together but is interested in hearing from anyone interested in running a rally. If you’ve not run one before but would like to find out more, please speak to Malcolm as he can arrange for you to be trainees on a rally to see what it’s like.
  • Don’t forget that if you have any of the £2.00 vouchers you only have until the end of June to use them against a payment for a rally.
  • A reminder that Christmas party rally will now be held at Gang Warily from 2-4 December and a special booking form is available from Anne Millar.
  • At our last meeting the Committee discussed the income and expenditure forecast for 2016. This shows that despite very careful budgeting we are likely to have a shortfall of income against expenditure. We have cut back our expenditure considerably over the past two years and are now only spending money on those things which are essential e.g. kit, storage, accountancy fees, the rally book, etc. Our income consists of payments for advertising in the rally book; our grant from the Caravan Club and the profit we make from the shop and rallies. We need to look at more ways to generate income and all ideas would be welcome. The Committee are looking at selling advertising on the web site and the possibility of restructuring the admin. fee on rallies which are run over more than three days and for holiday rallies. Any changes will obviously be presented at the AGM. An increase in the number of rallies we run and the number of ralliers attending each rally would help to generate more income. It might surprise you to know that we need income of about £6,000.00 per year to run the Centre.
  • We are grateful to those members who have purchased event shelters and are willing to bring them to rallies for others to benefit from (this has saved the Centre money as we have not had to buy new gazebos for the last 2 years). Without these many rallies would be unable to have an evening (or sometimes day time) social.
  • We have a successful Centre and some very loyal members – if you want the Centre to continue to be successful we need your support. We are now entering the main rally season so please take a look at your rally book and get booking. Don’t forget you can book on-line very easily and you can still book using a slip if you prefer.

I am looking forward to getting out more (having had a few problems with my motorhome) and look forward to seeing you on the rally field soon.


Warmest wishes


West Hants Centre Chairman


CAMC - West Hampshire Centre