• Unfortunately having successfully moved the storage unit to Eastleigh the site has now been leased to Biffa and we will have to move again! We are currently looking at another possible site and will give more information as soon as possible. Given how quickly we have been given notice to move, the site fees for the time we are there have been waived
  • Following submission of our accounts to the Caravan Club we have now received our grant
  • Next summer the Centre will run its 3500th rally and we are looking to put on a celebration rally. We are planning to have a sub group to look at what form this should take, etc. and would welcome some member input. We hope to co-opt 3 members and are particularly interested in having a retired member and a family member i.e. someone with children, join the group. If you are interested and would like to put your name forward for consideration, please let Caroline Harvey – Hon. Secretary know by 22 May
  • All the rules for the competitions at the Wessex are now available either via our web site or from the various event managers (see page 11 of the Rally book). Don’t forget to book the rally too – see page 89 of your Rally book. The cost is all inclusive with plenty on offer for all the family.
  • Our rally Secretary – Malcolm, is already working on the rally programme for next year so if you want to run a rally or know of a site we might use do please speak to him. There are already some additions to this year’s programme so please look for updates on the web and on flag poles
  • Don’t forget that if you have any of the £2.00 vouchers you need to use them against a rally payment before the end of June
  • Unfortunately, we have been advised by Bashley that they will not be in a position to confirm (or otherwise) our 2016 bookings until much later in the year. This puts our Christmas party in jeopardy and we don’t want to be in the position of having to try and organise an alternative at short notice. We have therefore taken the decision that we must organise an alternative. There will therefore be a Christmas party at Gang Warily from 2-4 December and a special booking form will be available shortly
  • The rally season is now well underway and please do take a look at your rally book and try to book as soon as you can.


Hopefully summer is just around the corner and I look forward to seeing you on the rally field soon.

Best wishes


CAMC - West Hampshire Centre