Rally Officer Documents


Checking Club Membership at Rallies and Events


As we are now heading into peak touring season, I am sure that you are looking forward to a successful rallying season.


Please remember to check the Club membership status of any member booking on one of your rallies/events. As you know any Club member can book to join a rally, and the member may not necessarily be associated with your Centre, or maybe from another Centre and therefore not known to you.


All short rallies are operated for members only* (a stipulation of our Exemption Certificate), therefore, you should use the text number to check that the person attending has valid Club membership. This number, if you are not familiar with it, is attached to this email and is also available for Committees to download from Box (along with a lot of useful information to help you operate a Centre and rally).


*there is an exception for non-members/guests to attend a short rally but not with their own outfit and non-members/guests may attend a long/holiday rally in a tent – further clarity on this can be found in Centre Guidance.



Payment Details for BACs transfers:

The Caravan Club West Hants Centre

Account 45588228  (Nat West)

Sort Code 52-41-32

Rally Returns Finance Sheet

Rally Returns 2023 Blank Copy

Banking Rally Funds via the Post Office.  Due to the increasing number of bank branch closures payments can be made into the account via the post office. You will however require different paying slips. Some have been ordered, if you require them please contact the treasurer.


Please Make sure your Plaque Order is with our Plaque Officer 3 weeks before the Rally

Click here to view the plaque shapes and motifs

Useful Documents

Visitors signing in sheet

Images wording – CAMC Use of Images

Incident-Report-Form (8)


CAMC - West Hampshire Centre