Nominations for Officer and Committee 2021

Fifty Seventh Annual General Meeting Saturday 2nd October 2021 commencing at 13.30


Nominations for Officers and Committee


Notice is hereby given that the following nominations for Officers and Committee for the West Hampshire Centre of the Caravan and Motorhome Club were received prior to the closing date of Saturday 18th September 2021 at 13.30.    


(1 Vacancy)

Graham KirbyRichard SykesBrian Walker
Vice Chairman

(1 Vacancy)

Hon. Secretary

(1 Vacancy)

Caroline HarveyLinda FoxJeff Evans
Hon. Treasury

(1 Vacancy)

Emma FulfordSusan DavisLinda Walker
Hon. Rally Secretary

(1 Vacancy)


(7 Vacancies)

Nigel PalmerGraham FoxRichard Fielding
Matthew TraceyMark SellwoodEmma Francis
Malcolm WrightRobert McNabIan Terry


All nominations for the above positions must be received by the Chairman (for the Centre Secretary) within the specified time of 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, as stated in Section 2 Annex B Rule 8 of Caravan and Motorhome Club Centre Rules and they will then be eligible for consideration under Item 9 of the Agenda for the Annual General Meeting.

Youth Section Committee

 Nominations received for Youth Section Committee are:

Y.S. Chairman

(1 Vacancy)

Imogen HuntleyPoppy ElseyAlex Phillips
Y.S. Secretary

(1 Vacancy)

Y.S. Treasury

(1 Vacancy)

David HurcombIsabelle TarrantHilary Hurcomb
Y.S. Committee


Hilary HurcombIsabelle TarrantDavid Hurcomb
Bethany RogersElla WinstanleyBethany Hughes
Ethan WinstanleyEvie CarterBethany Rogers
Isabelle TarrantJessica TarrantTom Worley


Notices of Motion

As required by Section 2 Annex B Rule 7 of the Caravan and Motorhome Club Centre Rules, formal notices of motion duly signed by the proposer and seconder, must be received by the Chairman (for the Centre Secretary) not later than thirty-five days prior to the meeting i.e. 28 August 2021

Received on 26 August 2021 at 21.13hrs from Mathew Tracey

Notice of Motion 1

Proposed by: Matthew Tracey       WH Membership No 10912908

Seconded by: Emma Fulford           WH Membership No 22488820


With immediate effect, rally bookings for 2022 season (and beyond) will only be accepted from 1st January and not from the AGM date.  Meaning for 2022 season this will be from 1st Jan 2022 and so on.

Notice of Motion 2

Proposed by: Matthew Tracey       WH Membership No 10912908

Seconded by: Emma Fulford           WH Membership No 22488820


With implementation of our new Centre website, the only way to confirm future bookings will be via the online booking system.  Whilst a paper slip can be used, this will NOT GUARANTEE A BOOKING until it has been loaded into the system. 

Received on 26 August 2021 at 21.49hrs from Clem Fallows

Notice of Motion 1

Proposed by: Clem Fallows           WH Membership No .02759317

Seconded by: Tony Cane              WH Membership No .06030877


That this Centre retains both a rally book and paper booking slips for rallies as stated in the rally book,

Notice of Motion 2

Proposed by: Clem Fallows           WH Membership No .02759317

Seconded by: Tony Cane              WH Membership No .06030877


That this Centre retains cash payments for rallies payable on arrival at rallies,






















CAMC - West Hampshire Centre